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we love our volunteers!

we love our volunteers!

Visiting or Volunteering on Campus? Driving on Field Trips?
All visitors and volunteers must check into the office on the computer for a sticker.  All volunteers are required to have TB clearance which is valid for 4 years.  Drivers need to have fingerprint clearance before being allowed to drive on field trips.  Parents MUST use form provided by district. Drivers should also provide proof of auto insurance to classroom teacher.

Carpool Reminders:  This will help students get to class on time.
  • Name signs: If you are driving during pick up time, please write your child’s name on a large 81/2 x 11 paper with your child’s first name and place on windshield or front driver side window.  Staff will call out student’s name and this will expedite the carpool loop traffic.
  • Do NOT get out of the car when driving up to the curb.  There will be staff to open door and assist students if needed to get out.  If you need to deal with seat belts, etc., then drive further up so as not to hold up traffic.
  • Do NOT cut in front of another car to avoid collision.  Safety first.