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  • All Volunteers must check into the office and wear a yellow printed Volunteer Badge.
  • All Volunteers must have a valid TB certification on file with the school office to participate.
  • All Volunteers going on field trips must have a valid TB certification and valid fingerprinting clearance. If you wish to drive for a field trip, you must also have a completed Driver form, proof of insurance, and a Drivers License to participate.


Field trips are an important and exciting part of every child’s school experience. In Orinda we have often depended on volunteer drivers for our transportation needs. It has come to our attention that there are requirements pursuant to Education Code that govern this practice. Effective the beginning of the 2018/19 school year, all OUSD schools will be adopting the following practices.
Criminal background checks will be necessary for volunteers going on field trips, in addition to those supervising overnight camps. Parents/guardians driving and/or chaperoning overnight field trips need to clear fingerprints with DOJ/FBI.
The criminal background check requirement shall not apply to volunteer supervisors for lunch or other nutritional periods or for classroom volunteers working under the immediate supervision and direction of certificated personnel.
In order to facilitate the many field trips that happen over the course of the year, we are eager to amass a bank of parents who have passed a criminal background check through a fingerprint screen. Parents’ clubs across the district have arranged for a fingerprinting service to be present at all of our TB screening days. To the best of my knowledge, your clearance will remain in effect for the duration of your children’s enrollment in OUSD schools.
This form must be used and brought with you when you get your fingerprinting done.


If you plan to volunteer in ANY capacity, you must show you are free of communicable tuberculosis (TB). The Contra Costa Health Department REQUIRES all volunteers, whether in the classroom, on field trips, or in the hot lunch program, to provide proof of completing a TB assessment/screening.
OUSD is hosting Adult Tuberculosis Risk Assessments in September 2018 at the times and locations listed below. You are welcome to go to any of these sessions or you can do TB screening through a private health care provider.
To proceed, print and complete the top portion of the TB Risk Assessment Form and bring it to your screening session. The bottom portion (Certificate of Completion) will be completed by the health care provider and must be turned in to the Wagner Ranch front office.
If you plan to volunteer at multiple schools or other organizations, please make a copy of your form and submit as needed. Your TB clearance will be in effect for four years.
For returning parents, if your TB clearance has expired or is soon to do so, you were notified in your Jump Start packet. f you are unsure of your status, please contact our front office.
Driver Clearance

Driver Clearance

Driver Clearance is granted by providing ALL of the following to the Wagner Ranch main office prior to the field trip(s). Please ensure proof of Automobile insurance is up-to-date with the office and valid during time of field trip. The driver form and auto policy must be submitted annually
  • Signed Driver Form
  • Copy of Driver's License
  • Proof of Automobile insurance showing coverage of at least the following amounts:
    (This is found on the "Declarations" page on your insurance statement, NOT the
    Insurance ID)
    • Bodily injury $300,000
    • Property damage of $50,000
    • Or combined single limit $300,000
    • Medical payment $5,000