Student Involvement

There are plenty of choices for the children to be active in school. Here are some opportunities:
Buddy Classes
All students in grades K-2 are connected with a Big Buddy Class in grades 3-5. Buddy classes meet regularly to do projects and celebrate holidays together.
All students in grades K-2 are connected with a Big Buddy Class in grades 3-5. Buddy classes meet regularly to do projects and celebrate holidays together.
Green Team
Students in grades 3 - 5 can volunteer to help with our lunchtime waste reduction program.
4th/5th Grade Student Council
All fourth and fifth grade students vote for 3 members of their class to be in Student Council each trimester.
4th/5th Grade Carpool/Traffic Safety
All fourth and fifth grade students can sign up to be a member of our Traffic Patrol. The Traffic Patrol assists students to exit and enter cars safely before and after school in the carpool area. At no time do our Traffic Patrol students enter the street or assist students with crossing the street or driveway.