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Wagner Ranch Elementary School

A Place for Everyone

Wagner Ranch Elementary School

A Place for Everyone

Daily Activities

A monthly snacks and activities calendar will let you know what activities and snacks are planned for each day. In addition to planned activities there will be time for outdoor play, indoor art and games and fun with friends. Our Kindergarten program is varied and all crafts and activities are suited to their age.
Note to TK and Kindergarten Parents: TK and Kindergarten students attending Bandit Club will be picked up by Bandit Club staff after class at a central location outside the main kindergarten pod and we will walk them over to Bandit Club. If your TK/Kindergarten student needs to go to either the early or late bus or carpool, let us know and we will walk you child out and stay with him/her at carpool until picked up by parent or joined by an older sibling.


A Homework Room is available every day before and after school. An effort is made to create a space that is quiet and comfortable for homework. Any student who is disruptive or distracting others will be not be allowed to participate. The impetus to use this time for homework must come from the student and from understandings they have reached with their parents.


Snacks will be served at 3:00 and 5:00 daily. All Bandit Club snacks are nut free and we try our best to purchase foods that are not made in facilities that process nuts. The Monthly Snack calendar is posted on site on the Parent Info board by the sign in station.

