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Wagner Ranch Elementary School

A Place for Everyone

Wagner Ranch Elementary School

A Place for Everyone

Parents and Community

Wagner Ranch Parents' Club was created to promote the welfare of students and bring about an integrated, focused partnership between OUSD administrators, teachers and parents.  All of our efforts support our three main functions:
  • Fundraising & Educational Enrichment
  • Communication
  • Building Community
* Wagner Ranch Parents' Club (WRPC) has tax exempt status as a Section 501 (c ) (3) not-for-profit organization.


Contributions made by our parent community help make Wagner Ranch an excellent school.  The WRPC coordinates all fundraising efforts at our school.  Donations to the Annual Fund, primarily at the beginning of the school year, and other fundraising efforts of the WR Parents' Club, support several educational programs that might not otherwise exist.  This year WRPC will spend over $1,200 per student to provide:
  • TK-3 class size preservation (aim for 20 students/class ), funded in partnership with the Educational Foundation of Orinda (EFO)
  • All Classroom Instructional Assistants (Teacher Aides), the PE Teacher, Science & Garden Aide, Psychologist and Counselor.
  • Library Services, Instructional Materials, and Technology Upgrades
  • Teacher and Staff Support, including continuing education for teachers, and office equipment
  • The 4th and 5th Grade Science Program


The before and after school program (Bandit Club) provides quality, adult supervised student activities on a parent-pay basis for Wagner Ranch students. WRPC also organizes a variety of enrichment classes including Spanish, Chess, Dance, Choir, Art, Robotics, Science, Sports, and Instrumental Music.


The eRancher, which comes out every other Friday during the school year is run by WRPC. Members of the WRPC Executive Board meet with the OUSD Superintendent and School Board members on a monthly basis. Additionally, members of the WRPC Board meet with their counterparts at the other elementary schools to share knowledge and discuss best practices. WRPC General meetings are held several times each school year to communicate information to parents.


WRPC helps foster relationships within the parent community - encouraging all to volunteer and take part in their own student's success on campus. Check out our events page to see events we have planned for this year, which can be found under the Family Events tab.