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Wagner Ranch Elementary School

A Place for Everyone

Wagner Ranch Elementary School

A Place for Everyone
poise logo
Orinda parents founded POISE in order to facilitate the sharing of resources and ideas for their children who receive special education services (e.g., an IEP or 504). Many parents are secretive about their children's academic, social, health, or developmental challenges and a byproduct of that secrecy is that families often end up feeling alone and like there is no one else out there with similar challenges. POISE's goal is to be a positive resource for parents as they journey through the special education world. POISE is a resource for support and information - even mentorship among families of differing ages with similar circumstances.
We are fortunate that the O.U.S.D (Orinda Union School District) encourages and supports POISE to gather and grow as a constructive, affirmative group. Our objective is to give parents opportunities to meet and talk to other similarly situated parents, as well as resources for support. At meetings, parents share information on topics ranging from therapists to books to summer camps and strategies.
We bring in speakers ranging from doctor to therapist, from author to authority, with the goal to educate parents and friends of Orindans in Special Education. POISE is a community within our community, and a group that shares, supports, and connects its members.
Every day, we as parents interact with other parents and participate in many activities with friends and neighbors. We have likely all faced challenges raising our children in ways that some peers cannot comprehend. Now is a chance to meet new people who may be able to support, share, teach and grow with you in a personally relevant way.
Please visit the POISE website for more information.
If you are interested in becoming the Wagner Ranch POISE liaison, please contact Debbie Wong.