Pick-Up/Drop-Off Procedure
Pick-Up/Drop-Off Procedure
Pick-Up/Drop-Off Procedure
Pick-Up/Drop-Off Procedure
One of our primary concerns at Wagner Ranch is maintaining safety. Patience and courtesy are the keys to a safe carpool experience.
- Drive cautiously.
- Wait at the stop sign before you are signaled forward.
- Pull up to one of the four carpool spaces in order without cutting in front of another car.
- Wait to pull away from the curb in the order in which you arrived without pulling out in front of another car.
- Stay inside your car as the child exits or enters your car. Traffic patrol students and staff will be there to assist students.
- Have backpacks ready so your child can quickly get out of the car when you drive up to a carpool spot.
- Drop-off or pick-up your child on the school exit road, Camino Pablo, Bear Creek Road, near the Nature Area or public bus stop on Camino Pablo.
- Park or leave your vehicle at any time in the four carpool spots.
- Pull ahead of other cars waiting to pick up or drop off unless instructed to do so by a supervisor.