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Wagner Ranch Elementary School

A Place for Everyone

Wagner Ranch Elementary School

A Place for Everyone
Emergency Plan Information

Emergency Plan Information

Emergency Contact Information 

Parent(s)/guardian(s) are required to provide emergency contact information every year in order to complete registration. This emergency information is duplicated and copies are kept on file for each child at Wagner Ranch in their classroom, at the BASC, and in the office. It is critical that this information be kept current for each child's safety and health should an unforeseen medical or other emergency require us to notify you. The emergency information sheet indicates the person(s) to whom your child may be released in the event of a natural disaster, such as a major earthquake or fire. It is essential that each family has an out of state contact who can facilitate communication in case local systems are not functioning.

Emergency Preparedness Drills 

Fire drills are held monthly to ensure an orderly exit from the buildings. Other emergency preparedness drills occur on a regular basis and provide students with knowledge and practice of our procedures and safe behaviors. 

Disaster Information and Guidelines

We realize that In the event of a major earthquake parents will be arriving to be with their children and to take them home as soon as it is safe. Our first priorities are: move students to safety, account for all students and staff, find missing students or staff, and care for the injured. To maximize our attention to these vital tasks, healthy, uninjured students will not be released to parents until all are accounted for and we have urgent situations under control.
Parents with expertise in emergency situations, (fire fighters, law enforcement, medical personnel, construction workers), please present yourself at Student Release so that we can incorporate you into our efforts. Other parents wishing to help will be let on campus as we are able to integrate you into our prescribed procedures. Parents of injured children will be let on campus immediately.

Student Release:

1. Park at the Sports Field Parking Lot adjacent to the south end of Wagner Ranch. Our main entrance and exit will be closed to  keep our allow easy ingress and egress for emergency vehicles.
2. Walk across play fields and then down pedestrian path to the upper grade playground entrance (south side of playground, near the baseball backstop). Check in at the Student Release Station. A staff member will release your student to you once urgent situations are under control.
Students will be supervised at school until such time as parents/designated guardians pick them up. If students need to be moved to an alternate location, parents will be notified through an electronic communication.